Orgasmic Christmas Winners!

icon_christmas2You know….I love the sex drama!  And, there is probably not much that I can say that you will want to read. 

After all, its like watching a stripper take her clothes off right?  Just get to the juicy parts!

BUT….I wanted to take just a quick second to say thank you to everyone who participated in the contest this year!  It was a joy ride to see some many women (and men) join us in trying to achieve a sexy Christmas for all.  Thank you…thank you….and thank you.

Second, how did we pick winners?  Well, as you all know from past contests, I gathered all of the contest enteries and said to The Marine “pick 11 numbers.”  Each person only had one entry.  He did not see the list and I did not pick the numbers.  Although, The Marine wants it said that he did not take bribes, but thank you kisses are accepted now!   😉    That’s my boy!!

Last, please use all of your sexy products safely and for the good of womankind!  If you did not win this time, then there will be a next time! 

Happy holidays to all…with my love for your support through this year!  ~~Dee

The winners are (in no order):

Special note:  I did not note what each person had won because I have not send out official emails yet and I want to inform each person myself.

16 thoughts on “Orgasmic Christmas Winners!

  1. SUH-WEET!!! Special Kitty Kristmass Kisses for the Marine when I see you two. wheeeee….. I’m gonna play with my new toy with my new “BOY” toy…hee..hee.hee… Meow!

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  2. Thank you and the Marine 🙂 lol for choosing me to win!! I have really enjoyed your blog and I’ll be around :)!! I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday!!! Thanks so much again!!

  3. Jen–Thank you for entering. The Marine says you are very generous. Anytime sexy women want to hug up on him, he forces himself to enjoy it! 😉 Merry Christmas. ~~Dee

  4. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I can’t wait to receive my Rocking Rod! You guys are AWESOME!! Happy New Year! Give the Marine my thanks and a HUGE HUG! ~ Christie

  5. I got my new toy the other day and tried it out last night. I must say Nine Inch Nails “Closer” really IS the bomb on this little naughtinano. ha..ha.ha.

    Thanks so much for hosting the contest and big smooches to the Marine for picking ME!!


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